Partial extraction therapy is the latest therapeutic type of extraction. Several scientific studies have been done on PET, showing that it has many benefits for patients who must have an extraction. There have also been studies proving that dental implants work best in conjunction with partial extraction therapy.
Prevents Bone Loss
One of the downsides to extracting a tooth is bone loss. PET has been proven to reduce the risks of bone loss, which can help prevent recontouring of the face after extraction. The studies have also shown that this reduced risk of bone loss will also strengthen the seat for the dental implant when these are used.
Ridge Preservation
The shape of the ridge of the mouth is important when you get dental implants. Studies have proven that partial extraction therapy maintains the strength and shape of the ridge. This allows implants to last much longer and be much more durable.
What Exactly is PET?
Partial extraction therapy is a method of extraction in which a part of the tooth, the main root, is left intact and within the gum. The root of the tooth is embedded in the gum and bone. By leaving this part of the tooth in place during an extraction and submerging the root, the bone of the ridge of the mouth is left intact and stronger.
We are among the pioneers of this technique. If you are needing an extraction and dental implant, contact us today for more information about this unique and groundbreaking new treatment that allows for the best in dental care.