COVID-19 has proven to be a formidable, damaging virus. There are reported complications from COVID-19 infection affecting all different parts of the body, which has led many to wonder whether the virus could be damaging to patients’ teeth as well.
Here, we’ll discuss the potential of tooth damage from COVID-19 and what you can do to reduce your risk of oral health problems.
The COVID-19 Pandemic
Since the COVID-19 pandemic only emerged two years ago, there are still many unanswered questions about its impact on people’s long-term health. More research needs to be done into potential tooth damage from the virus. However, early studies have shown that COVID-19 may have the potential to impact the teeth.
How COVID-19 May Impact Oral Health
One theory into why COVID-19 may increase the risk of tooth damage is reduced circulation. It’s suspected that COVID-19 may disrupt blood flow to the gums, as well as other parts of the body.
Your gums need ample blood circulation to receive essential oxygen and nutrients. Reduced blood flow from COVID-19 may weaken the gums, increasing patients’ risk of tooth damage and even tooth loss. Decreased circulation from COVID-19 may also impact the blood vessels in the jaw, and potentially lead to pain.
Gingivitis With COVID-19 Infection
Another theory into why COVID-19 may diminish patients’ oral health can be found in a 2021 study of gingival bleeding associated with COVID-19. This study introduces the idea that the often taxing symptoms of COVID-19 infection may prevent patients from keeping up with their oral hygiene. As a result, plaque is more likely to develop and the risk of gingivitis becomes higher. This study found that symptoms of gingivitis decreased after the infection went away.
At Dental Implant Solutionz, we’re here to improve and maintain your oral health. If you have concerns about your teeth or gums after recovering from COVID-19, schedule an appointment at our office today. We’ll ensure that you receive the care that you need!